Laying Up Supper 2023

Published 00:00 on 30 Nov 2023
Guests enjoyed a film-noir inspired dinner and awards night, complete with a black jack table, as we celebrated LCSC's achievements across 2023, starting with some great footage of the club from the 1940s.
We were delighted to present the inaugural Badger Trophy, established in honour of our dearly-missed President, Beverley Beech, to Helen Pettifer, for her dedicated support of the club. Helen has volunteered as a skipper across many offshore trips, as well as supporting skipper development and being a vital part of the offshore committee.
A special mention was also given to Peter Hopps, who took part in his 17th Fastnet Race.
Well done to all of our very worthy winners who were recognised for either their sailing prowess or for their commitment to volunteering for the club.
Badger Trophy- Helen P
Skipper of the Year- James A
Best Offshore Trip of the Year- Richard P, Sweden trip
Most Improved Offshore Sailor- Laura Br
Race Skipper of the Year- Mitchel F
Offshore Racing Sailor of the Year- Victor Y W
Fastnet Trophy- Peter H and the crew of Sam
Corinthian Cup- Ray C and the crew of Petruchio
Round the Island Trophy- Peter H and the crew of Sam
Representing LCSC at Open Meetings- Julian B
Most Improved New Dinghy Sailor- Flo S
Services to Racings- Jonathan S & Livia O
Safety on the River- Bec G and Steve C
Club Heroes- Alan D and Andres S R
Eager Beaver Award- Claire G
Shackleton Trophy- Crew of Jazz
Peter Roberts Trophy- Cassie G
Commodore's Cup- Alistair S
Congratulations everyone, and thank you so much to all of those who attended.
Last updated 08:25 on 30 October 2024